Women in Bodybuilding: A Brief Timeline

Women in Bodybuilding: A Brief Timeline

Bodybuilding is still a predominantly male industry, but we wanted to take a look at some of the champions of women’s bodybuilding and how the sport has evolved over the years. From Rachel McLish to Iris Kyle, the women who pioneered aesthetic sports have taken on...

How to Balance Fitness & Fun During the Holidays

How to Balance Fitness & Fun During the Holidays

No, you’re not going to lose all of your hard-earned progress in the gym if you take a week or two off to travel, see family, and eat holiday treats. But for many people, slipping out of their fitness routine for a while makes it easier to do it again and again. This...

Gym Lifers: What We Learned From Quarantine & Lockdowns

Gym Lifers: What We Learned From Quarantine & Lockdowns

Author: Lily Frei

Being isolated from our gym family and familiar equipment led to some interesting adaptations in the fitness world. We realized a few things: you can do a lot with an empty barbell, bands are the most universal training tool, and gym rats are super innovative when something gets in the way of working out.

5 Ways to Drive Customer Engagement

5 Ways to Drive Customer Engagement

Author: TrainHeroic Team

Whether you’re transitioning from in-person to remote coaching or setting new goals for your online coaching business, keeping customers engaged will be your line to success. Above your expert programming, it’s your coaching efforts – inspiration, motivation, and accountability – that provides your competitive edge.

Sell more online training with these 3 google analytics reports

Sell more online training with these 3 google analytics reports

Author: DJ Horton

Often, our coaches have their own marketing website already set up for their brand, and they use that site as a funnel to drive warm leads to their products in the TrainHeroic Marketplace. They’re actively trying to market these products, but need to know what is working so they can maximize the return on their valuable time. If this sounds like you, keep reading.

The First Female coach

The First Female coach

Author: Nicolai Morris

Is being called the first female coach an insult disguised as praise? Or is it spreading awareness that women can achieve anything they want? Are these ‘qualifiers’ helping women in the long run, or does it cause more harm than good? In this article Nicolai Morris gives insight into what it is like to be a female strength coach in the industry. She sheds light on mistaken identities and provides context about being more inclusive.

Why Live Streaming Wasn’t Enough to Save Our Gym

Why Live Streaming Wasn’t Enough to Save Our Gym

Author: Joe Hashey

With more coaches shifting to remote training it is imperative that you give your clients the same personalized service they had grown accustomed to when they could go to the gym. Joe Hashey, President of Synergy Athletics, gives us some insight into the steps he took to ensure his gym’s future while maintaining the personal touch his clients have come to expect.

Don’t Let Your Black Friday Become Whack Friday

Don’t Let Your Black Friday Become Whack Friday

Author: Jenn Ohlheiser

Black Friday is upon us. Our email marketing manager, Jenn, gives you actionable takeaways and insights to plan and execute a Black Friday / Cyber Monday promotion that is sure to stand out from the noise and help you make more sales and earn more clients.

How to Set Up Your Gym for Streaming Live Fitness Classes

How to Set Up Your Gym for Streaming Live Fitness Classes

Author: Mark Campbell

If leveraged correctly, live stream sessions can be a great addition to your remote training product offerings. The connection and engagement provided is a great complement to the suite of training and engagement features TrainHeroic provides. Mark Campbell of CORE Strong Fitness agreed to share some insights and lessons he learned from experience that can help you make the most of streaming live fitness classes or training sessions.

How To Stay Motivated When Training Remote

How To Stay Motivated When Training Remote

Author: Josiah Schultz

One of the biggest challenges when training remotely is staying motivated and keeping a proper mindset. Josiah Schultz, former Scout Sniper Team Leader and current gym owner, shares three key components he has learned during his time in Iraq and training clients in his gym on how to keep a positive mindset and high motivation while training remotely.

The Basics of Branding Your Gym

The Basics of Branding Your Gym

Author: Mark Campbell

When you’re trying to convey why your gym exists, what you stand for, and how you want to serve your clients’ needs, there are three main ways to do it. First, you have the words and phrases that can become a core component of how you communicate on a day to day basis. Second, you can back this up with how you treat people. And third, you can convey key messages through your branding.

How to Start Your Online Personal Training Business

How to Start Your Online Personal Training Business

Author: Artemis Scantalides

If you’re a personal trainer or gym owner, you’ve likely heard horror stories from your peers about their studios closing in the wake of COVID-19 or even them leaving the fitness industry. In this candid interview, Artemis shares how you can overcome your fear of training online, tactics for improving your marketing reach, why virtual classes are a thing of the past, and much more.

Improve Your Gym With A Good Cleaning

Improve Your Gym With A Good Cleaning

Author: Mark Campbell

I know all too well that many people are still reluctant to return to where they used to train before the pandemic struck. And those who’ve never had a gym membership are reluctant to sign up for one. With this in mind, your gym needs every competitive advantage it can get. If your trainers, equipment, and location are nearly identical to other facilities in your area, maintaining a clean and tidy space might be the difference between gaining a client and losing them.

Taking My College Strength Program Online

Taking My College Strength Program Online

Author: Whitney Rodden

My entire career, I’ve been teaching young men and women how to perform Olympic lifts in person. Then suddenly, along came COVID-19 and this was no longer an option. Here is how I took my college strength program online during the COVID-19 shutdowns.

Keep Your Coaching Business Alive During COVID-19

Keep Your Coaching Business Alive During COVID-19

Author: Darren Dillon

When I wrote the first installment of this series, I was hoping it’d be a one-parter because every gym would be fully open again. But I was wrong: the COVID-19 pandemic may have peaked in most areas in terms of the number of cases, but the vast majority of gym owners, coaches, and trainers are still facing a myriad of restrictions head on.

What Clients Say About Going Back To The Gym

What Clients Say About Going Back To The Gym

Author: TrainHeroic

We recently posted a series of questions to the @TrainHeroic Instagram stories, asking our 25 thousand followers how they feel about returning to the gym. Polls from major news outlets indicate that about 50% of those surveyed say they don’t feel comfortable doing so, but what about our specific set of Heroes?

The Online Personal Training Revolution

The Online Personal Training Revolution

Author: Tom Hooper

First thing that I remember was PANIC! Myself and so many other coaches and personal trainers were asking unknown questions. What do I do now that I’m not going to have any clients? How can I make money? When will my gym open back up? This and a whole multitude of other daunting questions ahead and I had no idea what to do.

Keep Your Coaching Business Alive During COVID-19

Keep Your Coaching Business Alive During COVID-19

Author: Darren Dillon

If you’re like me and most other coaches I know, the coronavirus outbreak didn’t simply sneak up on your business – it came out of the blue and battered it like a force 5 tornado. Before we get into the steps you can take to pick up the pieces and keep paying your coaches and feeding your family, I first want to admit something: I was unprepared for this.

How I Saved my Gym From a COVID-Delayed opening

How I Saved my Gym From a COVID-Delayed opening

Author: Daimond Dixon

The first time in my professional life, I am navigating NO SEASON. Sports have stopped on the globe, pushing the pause button on how we have traditionally done training. Not only has there been a pause in sports and training, but our face to face contact has been stopped, isolating us from each other in our homes.

How to Leverage Coach Home with TrainHeroic

How to Leverage Coach Home with TrainHeroic

Author: Erin Nelson

Your athletes look to you to not only provide sound programming, but to also be a source of motivation, encouragement, and accountability. The TrainHeroic Coach Home feature will help you quickly and easily review feedback your athletes are providing and allow you to engage with them as soon as you open the app.

An updated Guide To Navigating COVID-19 gym closures

An updated Guide To Navigating COVID-19 gym closures

The COVID-19 virus pandemic is resulting in voluntary — and in some cases, forced — gym closures. Our entire industry is being called to adapt and adapt quickly. In an effort to support you, we’ve compiled a quickstart guide for making the transition from retail to remote with help from some of our friends and partners. We hope this guide is a useful resource to help keep your business alive and healthy during this period of quarantine, shelter in place, and social distancing.

Stay Active While You Are Stuck At Home

Stay Active While You Are Stuck At Home

Author: Kelli Fox

Remember as someone who trains, there is always something you can do to continue in your journey. In the wake of current events, it’s easy to let things fall by the wayside, but it’s also why being active and healthy is more important than ever before. Here are 6 tips to stay active at home.

This Is What We’ve Been Training For

This Is What We’ve Been Training For

Author: TrainHeroic

Our hearts go out to the families enduring medical hardship, the small businesses facing closure, the shift workers missing hours, and the medical professionals working around the clock to delay the spread of this disease. While life is never a certain thing, our daily routines lull us to believe it’s a whole lot more certain than it actually is. Our social drift toward busyness hypnotizes us into a shared expectation that tomorrow will roughly be colored in similar shades of today.

TrainHeroic Chat: Modern Messaging Right in the App

TrainHeroic Chat: Modern Messaging Right in the App

Our vision is to create a World of Millions of Connected Heroes finding Joy in the Journey of Training. We chose the word “Connected” very intentionally. After all, coaching is about much more than programming. Coaching is connection. Coaching is motivation. It’s feedback. It’s providing the spark your athlete needs to stay motivated and on their path. We’re proud to announce our newest set of features to the TrainHeroic platform. We call it TH Chat.

Before Opening a Gym Here are Things to Think About

Before Opening a Gym Here are Things to Think About

Author: Tim Caron

If you are serious about starting a gym there is a list of books you should read at the bottom. The overwhelming message from all of them is an undeniable calling towards something. The stories and goals may be different, but they all have one thing in common. A deep physical need. Make no bones about it, entrepreneurship is a full-contact sport. To create something and not relent even after failures arise.

How a Mentor Can Improve Your Coaching Business

How a Mentor Can Improve Your Coaching Business

Author: Darren Dillon

When I first started coaching, I didn’t have anyone to lean on as a mentor, as I wasn’t aware of who to turn to in the fitness industry. So it was a process of trial and error for a long time. I started to gravitate towards certain people online who were true masters of the craft.

Insights into a Strength + Conditioning Internship

Insights into a Strength + Conditioning Internship

Every organization has a selection process, from fraternities with their pledging to the navy seals with buds. In Strength and Conditioning it is the internship, the initial introduction to what it takes to be a strength and conditioning coach. The time to see if you can cut the long hours, minimum pay and appreciation. You can come away with a great experience or one that’s not so good, but that is up to you.

Preventing Coach Burnout: 101

Preventing Coach Burnout: 101

Yes, I said it. We need to change the way we think about our jobs and profession. No longer should we idolize the grind of 60 hour plus work weeks. The Strength and Conditioning profession is notorious for long hours. Coaches can go weeks or months without a full day off of work. They are truly dedicated people with a workhorse mentality. Listen, we love our job and spend a significant amount of our free time thinking about it.

What It Takes to be a Great Strength and Conditioning Coach: Perspectives from Veteran Coaches

What It Takes to be a Great Strength and Conditioning Coach: Perspectives from Veteran Coaches

More often than not, strength coaches have significantly more education and experience than the minimum standard of a bachelor’s degree in a health/science related field and a certification from the CSCCA or NSCA (always exceptions to the rules). A vast number of coaches have master’s degrees, thousands of hours interning, and the whole alphabet behind their names…

A Beginner’s Mindset

A Beginner’s Mindset

A beginner’s mindset: a thought-provoking concept to get you talking and asking questions.

In our chosen field of strength and conditioning, we need to embrace the concept of a beginner’s mind. Really in all fields, people should embrace this thought.

School’s in Session – 3 Life Lessons I Learned from the World’s Best Coaches

School’s in Session – 3 Life Lessons I Learned from the World’s Best Coaches

You can learn a lot about technique, exercise selection, and programming from coaches who’ve walked the walk, particularly when they’ve been practicing their craft for more years than you’ve been alive. But in my real-life apprenticeship, the biggest lessons I learned from masters like Dan Pfaff, Ashley Jones, and Charlie Francis (as well as leaders in the special forces and business communities) were about how to be a better leader, communicator, and person.

Tech and the Fundamentals

Tech and the Fundamentals

I’ve been to a handful of conferences recently, and whenever technology or sport science comes up nowadays, it’s met with healthy doses of realism and skepticism. Cool. Your widget can do some neat things. So what? How does it actually work in practice? We’re getting past going gaga over bells and whistles.

How To Build A Culture of Athlete Accountability

How To Build A Culture of Athlete Accountability

Perhaps the largest deciding factor in a healthy thriving team is the individual athlete’s accountability to one another.
Before we dive into how I recommend you build a culture of athlete accountability let’s first discuss the current state of American culture and how that has impacted youth athletes.

Holding Paradox: How to Stop Being a Unidirectional Coach

Holding Paradox: How to Stop Being a Unidirectional Coach

Our job as coaches is to grow an athlete, client, or student three-dimensionally. To do so requires range and the ability to be multi-directional, so that we can adjust our tactics depending on what the person and situation demands at any given moment. You will become a better coach if you’re able to balance opposing forces that are in a tug of war with one another, identify paradoxes, and use them to inform and improve your coaching tactics and communication.

Every Rep Counts: Introducing NEW Athlete Profiles

Every Rep Counts: Introducing NEW Athlete Profiles

After two days of turning his theories inside out and examining them from every angle, I asked him. “Anders, if you had to boil it down to a single point, what’s the secret to mastery?”

He folded his arms and pursed his lips, mentally compressing decades of research down to a singular morsel of wisdom.

He told me:

“Those who do the most work over the longest period of time, do the best.”

Energy Systems: What Every Coach Really Needs To Know

Energy Systems: What Every Coach Really Needs To Know

Energy systems within the framework of coaching and athletic development is always a heated topic, and there has been this very unsettling trend within social media and online articles discussing the best methods to incorporate these systems into programs. While this topic is critical to the improvement of athletic performance, implementation, and program design, the use of specific terms and application have been misinterpreted.

Energy Systems 101 Part 2: What Every Coach Really Needs to Know!

Energy Systems 101 Part 2: What Every Coach Really Needs to Know!

One of the more confusing aspects that continues to purvey is the role of fuel use during training, and even during recovery, and how intensity has large implications for these energy systems.

Many are discussing and even advocating basic programming ideas based on these systems without ever really thinking and knowing about how they work. This article will help set the record straight and examine the truth about energy systems.

Cultivating Culture

Cultivating Culture

I’m so sick and tired of hearing the word “culture!” It has gone from being a term that used to actually mean something significant to devolving into one of those overused and overhyped business buzzwords like “optimization” or “synergy” that deserves to be lampooned in a Dilbert comic strip or on HBO’s Silicon Valley.

Creating a Culture of High Performance

Creating a Culture of High Performance

At TrainHeroic, we aim to be the best tool in your arsenal, not THE arsenal. We want to remain laser-focused and do what we do to an exceptional standard. The solution to the aforementioned questions is not simply to introduce technology into your weight room and expect immediate compliance – man, that would be great though.

Coaches: Do The Work, Forget The Credit

Coaches: Do The Work, Forget The Credit

There are those who think THEY are the expert, and those who whine incessantly behind closed doors about how they are not getting the recognition they deserve instead of focusing on the task at hand and finding versatile and meaningful ways to contribute.

Be Your Best (Part 1): Daily Steps For Being the Best Coach, Small Business Owner, and Human Being

Be Your Best (Part 1): Daily Steps For Being the Best Coach, Small Business Owner, and Human Being

My coaching journey began many years ago. As a kid, I knew from an early age that I wanted to be in the business of helping others maximize their potential. Initially, I thought this would mean becoming a football coach. But even though strength and conditioning was not a profession back then, this is the direction I eventually found myself moving in.

Keeping A Beginner’s Mindset as a Coach

Keeping A Beginner’s Mindset as a Coach

The concept of a beginner’s mind is the understanding that we always need to be open to learning, new experiences, and revisiting old experiences as if they were new again. The fact is – even when we have done something a thousand times, there is some small piece of it that is always different. We should understand and learn the depth of that. We should look at going deeper as well as wider.

Analytics: Supercharge Your Coaching Senses

Analytics: Supercharge Your Coaching Senses

Every time you send programming to your athletes, it’s like pinging them with sonar. You’re bouncing something off of them, and the data that’s echoed back is a signal. There’s valuable info there. You just have to pay attention.

3 Tips for Driving Higher Athlete Buy-In

3 Tips for Driving Higher Athlete Buy-In

ABOUT THE AUTHOR DARREN DILLONDarren Dillon is the owner and director of Kickstart Fitness Ireland. Founded in 2010, Kickstart Fitness has grown from what was initially a bootcamp in a local park into what is now a center of excellence for TRX®️Training and functional...