5 Tips to Get Better at Strict Pull Ups TOPIC: The ultimate bodyweight movement that even good athletes struggle with: pull ups. Getting your first strict pull up as a beginner is a huge accomplishment, but stringing multiple reps together is arguably just as huge. It...
The Best Online Olympic Weightlifting Programs in TrainHeroic TOPIC: Olympic weightlifting is some of the most fun and the most frustration you can experience as an athlete. If you’ve dedicated any significant amount of time to weightlifting, you know how hard it can...
The Best Online Powerlifting Programs in TrainHeroic TOPIC: Powerlifters are a special breed. Anyone who can suffer through brutal, heavy training sessions day in and day out just to give gravity a fat middle finger has to be, like, a little crazy. Good-crazy for...
TrainHeroic’s Top Online Bodybuilding & Physique Programs TOPIC: You’ve had that vague dream in the back of your mind of competing in fitness, figure, physique or bodybuilding, but never a plan to make it on stage. You train hard, eat well, and suffer...
8 of the Best Hamstring Exercises for Meaty Legs TOPIC: Your hamstrings are not just for decoration or making yoga feel impossible. They’re essential for basically any athletic movement involving your legs—jumping, running, lunging, squatting, and picking up weight....