Top 6 Exercises for Managing Shoulder Injuries TOPIC: What to Do for an Injured Shoulder After 6 years of coaching at the highest levels across multiple disciplines, the most common issues I see in my sports therapy clinic have to do with the shoulder. Statistics show...
3 Killer Kettlebell Mobility Exercises for Your Shoulders TOPIC: Let’s face it: sometimes your shoulders feel rickety even on good days. But overhead mobility and good upper body articulation is so important for everyday life — it pays major dividends to dedicate some...
3 Tips for Blasting Your Delts & Dominating Your Shoulder Workouts Getting bigger, wider delts that pop off your shoulders requires more than just attacking your shoulder workouts — you gotta do them with purpose. Understanding positioning, muscle relationships,...
Strongman Shoulder Workouts: Mastering the Overhead Press The overhead press is the crux of many strongman competitions as it demands the ultimate strength of your shoulders, core, grip strength, upper back, AND traps. Andrew Watsford is a strongman competitor, coach,...
4 Uncommon Movements to Build Massive Shoulders Big, round shoulders are a crucial piece of any physique puzzle – if you want a defined v-shape, you need shoulders that look like they could support a car. Apart from the standard press/jerk variations and the...