TrainHeroic Coaches Win HYROX National Championship

Sports Performance | Strength & Conditioning
Lily Frei Headshot

Lily Frei

Lily is TrainHeroic’s Marketing Content Creator and a CF-L1 with an English background. She was a successful freelance marketer for the functional fitness industry until being scooped up by TrainHeroic. An uncommon combo of bookish, artsy word-nerd and lifelong athlete, Lily is passionately devoted to weightlifting, CrossFit, yoga, dance, and aerial acrobatics. Find her showcasing her artist-athlete hobbies on IG @lilylectric.

Next up: the World stage!

Reach Functional Fitness (@reachfunctionalfitness) out of Knoxville, TN is a family of athletes as young as 14 and as old as 63. With members ranging from law enforcement to supermoms, and several Spartan coaches—two at the elite level—the Reach community is one of big heart, badass endurance, and massive functional engines.

Taylor Haney, owner of Reach, is proud to announce they have two teams that qualified for the HYROX World Championships in Leipzig, Germany coming up in September. The HYROX competition runs along the same veins as endurance obstacle racing like the Spartan Race or their spinoff, DEKA, “the decathlon of functional fitness.”

“This gym would not exist today without TrainHeroic,” Taylor says, referencing the COVID shutdowns. “If someone has to leave the gym, they stay on our program.”

The proof is in the pudding with member stories like Daniel, who at age 50 gave himself five years to complete a Spartan ultra. Along the lines of an ultramarathon, the Spartan ultra is a long, grueling race of 32+ miles and around 70 obstacles. After only nine months at Reach, Daniel smashed his goal.

What is HYROX?

Based out of Germany, HYROX is an international functional fitness race that focuses on running and endurance. You won’t see barbells or advanced weightlifting like snatches, or gymnastics movements like handstand walks. Instead, you get one long, gnarly workout to complete as fast as you can:

The movement focus is on pulling, pushing, carries, and simple squatting with a LOT of metabolic work in between. Most of the endurance effort is running, but they also mix in machines like skiErgs and rowers. Time-wise, HYROX compares their competition to a sprint triathlon or a fast half marathon, so around 1-1.5 hours.

Staring down a workload like that is enough to make any athlete have to take a nervous pee. 

For the engine-inclined, this is a perfect bridge between standard endurance racing and strength training. You don’t need a bunch of special equipment like you would for an obstacle course, and everything can be done in a basic gym or at home.

HYROX competitions are open to all levels and are aimed at challenging athletes who favor running. The weights are scaled for each level with National and World competitors using heavier Pro weights. Maybe you’re bored with the regular marathons, triathlons, obstacles, or other long races and want to work on more strength components…

Reach Functional Fitness is wiping the floor with the competition and TrainHeroic couldn’t be more proud to pump their programming.

These guys have bragging rights.

Taylor (@reachff_taylor) and Paul Kullmar (@paulkullmar) took first place at HYROX Austin for Men’s Doubles age 16-29. Then they took first place again at the US Nationals in Chicago for both their age group and the overall win. 

Reach has another meaty Men’s team: Levi Inman (@leviinman_), Nick Cox (@nickcox3282), and Paris Cornwell (@reachff_paris). Levi and Nick took second place at HYROX Austin for their age group. Coach Paris stepped in for Nick at US Nationals and they claimed first place for age group and fourth overall. Reach has an impressively deep athlete pool.

All four of these pro level athletes are coaches at Reach, and three of them program for teams in TrainHeroic. If you’re tapped into the HYROX or endurance racing community and need quality programming you can do anywhere, the guys from Reach are absolutely killing it.

About the World Championships: “We’re planning to win,” says Taylor.

Reach Functional Fitness Programs to Dominate Your Training

Reach | AMP 

AMP = Amplified Metabolic Performance. These sessions aim to answer the question, “how do I get good at fitness?” with supplemental conditioning work that teaches you how to identify your thresholds and improve your metabolic conditioning. 

Reach | Functional Bodybuilding 

This program was developed after gym members demanded to know what Taylor does on the side to get those chiseled arms. With a tilt toward physique and less emphasis on max effort lifts, this program is designed to help you feel fit and look the part.

Reach | WOD 

The WOD program is CrossFit-leaning with constantly varied stimuli and progressions built in to move the needle on strength gains. The variable skill movements and metcons keep things fresh and interesting for CrossFit-lovers.

Reach | Strength & Conditioning

For weightlifting fans and athletes wanting to up their overall strength, this program is heavily barbell focused with a lean towards measurable strength and conditioning. Expect 5k rows, 1RM efforts, and functional training in its purest form. 

Reach | STRONG

For the Strongman and Powerlifting fans who just want to lift more weight. This program includes heavy training with a splash of bodybuilding accessory work. It’s designed to “bring out the competitive spirit, and build a body that can handle heavy loads and a physical lifestyle.”

If you’re in the Knoxville area and need a place to level up your fitness game, check out @reachfunctionalfitness

If you live anywhere else in the world and want to get a piece of this pie before the Reach FF coaches become HYROX celebrities, sign up for one of their teams in the TrainHeroic Marketplace.


DEKA™, from the creators of Spartan, is the decathlon of functional fitness designed for ALL levels.

DEKA FIT Our Super Bowl of Fitness event combining ten functional training zones (aka DEKA Zones) each preceded by 500 meters of running (5k total). DEKA MILE A unique and memorable fitness challenge for the masses combining our (10) DEKA Zones each preceded by 160 meters of running (1 mile total). DEKA STRONG Our fitness testing, assessment and event designed for gyms and studios featuring our (10) DEKA Zones with zero running.

Join Team DEKA™ – led by big shots Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp – and train with other athletes all over the world. See how you stack up in Workouts of the Week (WOWs) and add supplemental training to your schedule.

SOCIAL GRAPHIC BY @timgoulddesign

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