// Crossfit style training session – Jump ship crew
This crossfit style workout is brought to us by the team at Jump Ship training and is part of their programming subscription, Jump Ship Crew.
Jump Ship 90 is a full training session that runs on a 90 Minute clock. This includes a dedicated warm up, lift, conditioning piece, and extra work. Each training day is crafted to be the right amount of total volume, so that each piece can be attacked with a purpose. There is adequate time built in between pieces for rest, set up, movement specific warm up, and skill work. You should use your entire 90 minutes!
You can take a free 7-day trial of the Jump Ship Crew programming subscription by clicking below. Or, use TrainHeroic’s free programming tools to build this session on your calendar. Don’t forget to log those results!
4 Rounds of:
250m Row
10 Pull-Ups
10 Box Jumps w/ step down
4 Rounds of:
1:00 Burpee to Target 6″
1:00 Alternating Jump Lunges
1:00 Bar Muscle Ups
1:00 Rest
(All in a Vest 20/15)
Get strong
In 20:00 complete 5 sets of each movement:
10 Bent Over Row
10 Strict Pull Up
10 Seated DB Strict Press
40/24 Calorie Bike
40 Overhead Squats 135/95
(7 Min Cap)